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简介1.高考英语词汇中表示状态的动词一般不用进行时的词有哪些2.高考复习英语常用动词短语有总的归纳吗?3.高考英语语法:高考英语总复习语法专项 情态动词4.高考英语必背知识点有哪些?5.高考英语阅读的高频词汇系动词系动词又称联系动词,作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,后边必须跟表语(也称补语),构成系表结构说明主语的状况、性质、特征等情况。有些系动词又是实义动词,该动词表达实义时,有词义,



3.高考英语语法:高考英语总复习语法专项 情态动词







He fell illyesterday.


He fell off theladder.




He is a teacher.



用来表示主语继续或保持一种状况或态度,主要有keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand, 例如:

He always keptsilent at meeting.

This matter restsa mystery.


用来表示"看起来像"这一概念,主要有seem, appear, look, 例如:

He looks tired.

He seems (to be)very sad.


主要有feel, smell, sound, taste, 例如:

This kind of clothfeels very soft.

This flower smellsvery sweet.


表示主语变成什么样,有become, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come,run

He became madafter that.

She grew richwithin a short time.


表示主语已终止动作,主要有prove, trun out, 表达"证实","变成"之意,例如:

The rumor provedfalse.

The search proveddifficult. 搜查证实很难。

His plan turnedout a success. (turn out表终止性结果)



I afraid he won'tcome tomorrow .

( 2 )误用系动词

His hair changedgrey .(混淆了change 与turn,grow)



He looked sad atthe news.


He looks at aclever boy.



listen, look ,touch ,hear,see ,sound ,feel, taste ,remain ,keep,stay, turn,become


A.五大感官系动词 B.状态系动词

C.动态系动词 D.双谓语系动词



The girl bit herlips and looked thoughtful.


The flowers smellsweet.


The music soundssweet.


The apples tastevery good.


The silk feelsvery soft.

You will feelbetter after a night’s sleep.



I am a student.


They seem quitehappy.


He appeared tiredand sleepy.

It appeared(tobe)a true story.

Now it appears tome that he may play an important part in settling the problem. (在我看来)

4.keep, “保持……的状态”,半系动词,后接adj或介词短语。

You’d better go to bed and keep warm.


I remained silent.


The window stayedopen all the night.

7.prove “证明是”,半系动词,后接adj.,n.

The treatmentproved to be successful.



The days aregetting longer and longer.

The train didn’t get going again.

It’s nothing to get excited about.

My watch gets outof order.


asleep, silent,ill, sick

The old man,unable to express himself, fell silent.

My father fell illand died.


You will grow usedto it.

It’s growing warm.


Maple trees turnred in autumn.

It was cloudy thismorning, but fortunately it has turned fine.

He has turnedwriter.



The telephone hasgone dead.

The material hasgone a funny colour. (奇怪)

go之后常接的adj. 还有:bad, blind, wild, wrong, sour, hard, hungry,mad, red, with, anger, white, pale, blue, grey


He became angrywith me.

It became dark.

They became goodfriends.

I becameinterested in drawing.


His wish to becomea pilot has come true.

If you look intothe matter, everything will come clear.

My shoelaces havecome undone.

后面常接的形容词还有:apart, dear(昂贵),natural,open, untied(松开)。


The well has rundry.

The price ranhigh.

9.make,“达到某种状态[后接形容词],如sure, certain, merry, bold, free

We must makecertain of facts.


The Children makefree with the apples.




The run rose red. 太阳升起红艳艳。

She stopped andstood quite still.

The book lay openon the table.

The snow lay thickon the ground.

He marriedyoung.

The window blew open.





He is being kind.



I hope you arekeeping well.


Are you feelingany better?



Your hand feelscold.



Your hand isfeeling cold.(×)

The doctor isfeeling her pulse.


The soup tastesgood.


The cook istasting the soup.厨师在尝汤的味道。(动态动作,有进行时)


①smell作“嗅觉”的能力时,虽是实义动词,但指的是一种性质的存在状态不能用于进行时态,常与can, could, be able to连用。

The camels cansmell the water a mile off.



The girl issmelling the flower.


The dinner smellsgood.


某些含有变化意义的动态系动词如get, become, grow, turn等的进行时态可与形容词的比较级连用,表示渐进过程,其意思是“越来越……”。

He is growingtaller and taller.

Our life isgetting better and better.

The things aregetting worse.



不能说: The apple is tasted good.


但可以说: The apple is tasted by me.




某些表示瞬间意义的系动词不能与“for+时间段,since+时间点,how long until+时间,by + 时间,so far”直接连用


He has become ateacher for 2 years.


He has been ateacher for 2 years.

②不能说:He has turned writer since 3 years ago.

应改为:He has been a write since 3 years ago.

或It is two years since he turned writer.

③不能说:He got angry until his child came backhome.

应改为:He didn’t getangry until his child came back home.



①能接as if/as though表语从句的系动词有:look,smell,sound,feel;appear(显得),seem(似乎)

It looks as if weare going to have snow.

He looked as if hehad just stepped out of my book of fairy tales.

It seems as if it werespring already.

②可用于“It+系动词+that从句”结构的有:seem, appear, 不可用be, look

It seemed that hehad made some serious mistakes in his work.

It appeared thathe was talking to himself.

③能用不定式作表语的系动词有:be, seem, get, look, appear, prove, grow.

Her job is to lookafter the children.

He looks to be ayoung girl of twenty.

④能与there连用的系动词有:be,appear, seem.

There appeared tobe only one room.

There seems(tobe)no need to go.

6.能用两种否定形式的系动词有两个:seem, appear.

It doesn’t seem that we can get our money back.

= It seems that wecan’t get our money back.

He seems not to beher father.

= He doesn’t seem to be her father.

The baby doesn’t appear to be awake.

= The baby appearsnot to be awake.



1)get, become, go, turn, grow“变成”






2)look, seem, appear“好像”



seem :“似乎,好像”,指说话人内心的估计与判断,有一定依据,接近于实际情况。


He looks like hisfather. (指其长相看起来相像)

He seems like hisfather. (指说话人从个性方面得到的判断)

He appears likehis father.(指他的外貌、衣着给他人的印象)

3)keep, remain, stay“保持……状态”


Have you kept wellall these years?

I hope it willkeep fine.

In order to keepfit, all students go in for sports.

We’d better keep in touch.


The door remainedclosed.


Your room remainslike this.



That fellow stayedsingle.


It’s easy to stay hidden.


后常接的形容词有:calm, clean, fresh, healthy, young, open,awake, warm, fine, 常可与keep互换。如:

Stay/keepcalm(clean, fine, healthy, awake等)

①What you have said_______.

A.is soundedinteresting




②The class begins. Please keep________.

A.silent B.silence

C.the silence D.silently

③Look! Several people in the crowdseemed_______.

A.to be fighting B.to havefought

C.being fought D.havingfought

④How _____the song she sings sounds! I havenever ______a better voice.

A.beautifully, sounded

B.beautiful, sounded

C.sweet, listened to

D.sweet, heard

⑤Her feeling about the marriage ______ratherstrange.

A.is looked B.is seemed

C.seems D.isappeared

⑥John _____driver since two months ago.

A.became a B.has becomea

C.has turned D.has been a

⑦The ice_____ thick on the river.

A.is lain






 英语中表示“变化”的连系动词主要有 become, come, go, get, grow, turn等。使用时注意以下几点:

一、become 和get的用法


Hearing this, the boss became [got] angry. 听到这事,老板就生气。

The travelers became [got] thirsty. 旅客们渴了。

Soon the man became famous. 不久后这个人就出名了。

If you eat such food you’ll get [become] fat. 如果你吃那样的食物,你会发胖的。

另外,还有become [get] ill, old, well, deaf, strong, etc (得病,变老,痊愈,变聋,变强,等)。

另外,become 和 get 还可用于指天气的变化和社会的趋势。如:

It’s becoming [getting] cold (dark, cloudy). 天渐冷了(黑了,多云了)。

Divorce is becoming [getting] more common. 离婚现象越来越常见了。

This design of resident buildings is becoming [getting] fashionable. 这种住宅楼的设计正在逐渐流行起来。

二、go 和come 的用法


go bald (deaf, insane, etc) 发秃,变聋,发疯,等

The meat’s gone off [gone bad]. 肉变味(变坏)了。

The radio’s gone wrong. 收音机出毛病了。

Her wish came true. 她的愿望实现了。

Everything came right. 一切顺利。


She went [turned] blue with cold. 她冻得脸色发青了。

The rotten meat went [turned] green. 这块腐烂的肉变绿了。


1. go 一般不与 old, tired, ill 等连用,遇此情况要用其他连系动词。如:

grow [get] old 变老 fall [become] ill 生病

fall [become] sick 生病 get [feel] tired 疲劳

2. go后接形容词通常表示结果(见上例),但在个别搭配中也可表示状态。如:

go hungry 挨饿 go naked 光着身子

3. come 除表示向好的方面变化外,还有以下常见搭配值得注意。如:

come untied 解开 come loose 变松 come undone 松开

三、grow 的用法

grow 主要表示逐渐变化,强调变化的过程。如:

It began to grow dark. 天色渐渐黑了。

Bob is growing old. 鲍勃渐渐变老了。

The sea is growing calm. 大海变得平静起来。

The pollution problem is growing serious. 污染问题日趋严峻。


以上提到的连系动词通常接形容词作表语,但有的还可接其他结构,如come, get, grow后可接不定式,become, turn后可接名词,go, get, grow后可接介词短语。如:

You’ll soon grow to like her. 你很快就会喜欢她的。

Soon I came to like him. 不久我便开始喜欢他了。

It’s becoming a serious problem.它正在成为一个严重问题。

The little plant grew into a tree. 幼苗长成了一棵树。

They went out of fashion years ago.它们好多年前已变得不时新了。


He turned writer after he graduated from a medical college. 他从医学院毕业后当了作家。(比较:He became a writer after graduating from college.)





如:learn, work, stand, lie, know, walk, keep, have, wait, watch, sing, read, sleep, live, stay等。延续性动词可以与表示时间段的状语连用。


表示不能延续的动作,这种动作发生后立即结束。 如:open, die, close, begin, finish, come, go, move, borrow, lend, buy等。


高考英语语法:高考英语总复习语法专项 情态动词

l.动词+about\x0d\  speak/talk about 谈论   think about 思考\x0d\  care about 关心,对?有兴趣 bring about 引起,使发生\x0d\  set about 着手,开始    come about 发生\x0d\  hear about 听说 worry about 为?担心\x0d\2.动词+away\x0d\  throw away 扔掉       blow away 吹走\x0d\  carry away 拿走,使入迷   clear away 清除掉,消散\x0d\  die away 逐渐消失,减弱   pass away 去世\x0d\  wash away 冲走         take away 拿走,使消失\x0d\  put away 收拾起来,存起来  give away 背弃,泄漏,赠送\x0d\  wear away 磨掉,消耗     break away 摆脱\x0d\  send away 让走开       turn away 把?打发走\x0d\3.动词+back\x0d\  keep back 隐瞒,忍住     look back(on) 回顾\x0d\  hold back 控制住       give back 归还\x0d\  call back 回电话       take back 拿回,收回\x0d\4.动词+for \x0d\  run for 竞选         ask for 要求得到\x0d\  wait for 等候          stand for 代表,表示\x0d\  long for 渴望        hope/wish for 希望得到\x0d\  care for 关心,喜欢     beg for 乞求\x0d\  search for 查找       look for 寻找\x0d\  call for 需要,要求     hunt for 寻找\x0d\  change?for 用?换    charge?for 收费,要价\x0d\  apply for 申请 take?for 误以为?是\x0d\  seek for 寻找       come for 来拿,来取5.动词+down\x0d\  burn down 烧毁       break down 坏了,垮了,分解\x0d\  take down 记下,记录    turn down 调小,拒绝\x0d\  cut down 削减,砍倒    slow down 慢下来\x0d\  pass down 传下来      put down 记下,写下,镇压\x0d\  calm down 平静下来     bring down 使?降低,使倒下\x0d\  settle down 安家     come down 下落,传下\x0d\  tear down 拆毁,拆除\x0d\6.动词+at\x0d\  come at 向?袭击     shout at 冲(某人)嚷嚷\x0d\  run at 冲向,向?攻击  work at 干?活动(研究)\x0d\  tear at 用力撕       look at 看,注视\x0d\  stare at 凝视        glare at 怒视\x0d\  glance at 匆匆一瞥      laugh at 嘲笑\x0d\  knock at 敲(门、窗等)    point at 指向\x0d\  smile at 冲(某人)笑    strike at 向?打击\x0d\  aim at 向?瞄准     shoot at 向?射击\x0d\  wonder at 惊讶      call at 拜访(地点)\x0d\7.动词+from\x0d\  differ from 与?不同     suffer from 受?苦\x0d\  hear from 收到?来信    die from 因?而死\x0d\  keep/stop/prevent?from阻止? learn from 向?学习 \x0d\ result from 由于 date from 始于?时期 \x0d\ separate?from 把?分离开 \x0d\8.动词+of\x0d\  think of 想到 dream of 梦到\x0d\  consist of 由?组成     speak of 谈到\x0d\  approve of 赞成        die of 死于\x0d\  talk of 谈到         hear of 听说\x0d\  complain of 抱怨       become of 发生?情况,怎么啦\x0d\9.动词+off\x0d\  start off 出发 set off 出发\x0d\  leave off 中断    show off 炫耀\x0d\  get off 下车     take off 脱下,起飞\x0d\  see off 送行     ring off 挂断电话\x0d\  put off 延期,推迟    come off 脱落,褪色\x0d\  cut off 切断,断绝     fall off 跌落,掉下\x0d\  keep off 避开,勿走近    go off 消失;坏了,爆炸,不喜欢\x0d\  knock?off 把?撞落   break off 打断\x0d\  pay off 还清        carry off 携走带走,赢得\x0d\  get off 脱下(衣服等)     give off 散发出\x0d\  turn(switch) off 关掉\x0d\10.动词+on\x0d\  depend on 依靠       rely on 依靠\x0d\  insist on 坚持       carry on 继续,进行\x0d\  keep/go on 继续       spend?on 在?花钱\x0d\  put on 穿上,戴上,上演    call on 拜访\x0d\  move on 继续移动,往前走   live on 以?为生\x0d\  feed on 以?为生      bring on 使?发展\x0d\  take on 雇用,呈现(新面貌等) try on 试穿\x0d\  have on 穿着        pass on 传授,传递\x0d\  look on 旁观        turn(switch) on 打开\x0d\11.动词+out\x0d\  break out 爆发 point out 指出\x0d\  pick out 选出 figure out 算出,理解\x0d\  burst out 进发 bring out 阐明,使表现出\x0d\  carry out 执行,进行 help out 救助\x0d\  hold out 坚持下去 set out 出发,着手,摆放\x0d\  wear out 穿破,使?疲劳 turn out 结果是,生产,培养\x0d\  make out 理解,看清楚 come out 出版,出来\x0d\  cross out 划掉 leave out 省略,删掉\x0d\  keep out(of) 使不进入,挡住 work out 算出,想出办法等\x0d\  find out 查出,弄明白 give out 散发,分发,用完\x0d\  try out 试用,试验 look out 当心,提防\x0d\  put out 扑灭 speak out 大胆讲出\x0d\  hand out 散发 send out 发出,派遣\x0d\ run out 用完 go out 熄灭\x0d\ let out 泄漏,发出(声音),出租 die out 灭绝\x0d\12.动词十in\x0d\  give in 让步 hand in 上交\x0d\  bring in 引进,使得到收入 drop in 拜访\x0d\result in 导致 succeed in 在?获成功\x0d\  join in 参加 take in 接纳,吸收,改小\x0d\  get in 收获,进入 break in 强制进入,插话\x0d\  fill in 填写 call in 召集,来访\x0d\  cut in 插入 persist in 坚持\x0d\  look in 来访,参观\x0d\13.动词十into\x0d\  look into 研究,调查 turn into 变成\x0d\  burst into 闯入,进发 divide?into 把?分成\x0d\  change?into 把?变成 put/translate?into 把?译成\x0d\  run into碰到 send sb to/into sleep 使进入状态\x0d\14.动词+over\x0d\  turn over 翻倒,细想 think over 仔细考虑\x0d\  go over 审阅,检查,研究 look over 翻阅,检查\x0d\  get over 克服 run over 压死,看一遍\x0d\  take over 接管,接替 watch over 看守,照看\x0d\  fall over 跌倒,摔倒 roll over 翻滚\x0d\15.动词十to\x0d\  belong to 属于 object to 反对\x0d\  refer to 谈到,涉及,参阅 point to 指向\x0d\  turn to 向?求助,查阅 stick/hold/keep to 坚持,忠于\x0d\  see to 处理,料理 come to 共计,苏醒\x0d\  reply to 答复 get to 到达\x0d\  bring to 使苏醒把?比作 compare?to 与?相比;把?比作\x0d\  agree to 同意 write to 写信给\x0d\  supply?to 为?提供 lead to 导致,通向\x0d\  add to 增添 attend to 处理,专心,照料\x0d\  devote?to 贡献给\x0d\16.动词+up\x0d\  grow up 成长,长大 give up 放弃,献出\x0d\  build up 建立 set up 架起、建立\x0d\  put up 搭起,架起,安装,住宿,张贴,盖起\x0d\ do up 整理,包装,打扮 \x0d\  go up 增长,上涨get up 起床,站起 \x0d\ pick up 拾起,学会,用车,来接,收听到\x0d\  bring up 抚养,呕吐,提出 出现\x0d\ turn up 开大(音量等),出席\x0d\ stay up 挺住,熬夜\x0d\ take up 开始学,从事,占据\x0d\sit up 熬夜 eat up 吃完\x0d\  use up 用完 tear up 撕碎\x0d\  lay up 储存 make up构成,组成 编造 弥补\x0d\ cut up 切碎 join up 联结起来,参军\x0d\  end up 总结 come up 上来,长出,出现\x0d\  speed up 加快速度 throw up 呕吐\x0d\  clear up 整理,收拾,放晴 look up 查找,找出\x0d\  bum up 烧毁 catch up 赶上\x0d\  hurry up 赶快 fix up 修理,安排,装置\x0d\  keep up 保持 hold up 耽搁,使停顿\x0d\  send up 发射 ring up 打电话\x0d\  open up 开创,开辟 divide up 分配\x0d\  break up 分解\x0d\17.动词十through\x0d\  get through 通过,干完,接通电话 \x0d\ look through 翻阅,看一遍,仔细查看\x0d\  go through 审阅,检查,学习 \x0d\ put?through 接通电话 see through 识破 \x0d\ check through 核对 pull through 渡过危机,康复\x0d\18.动词+with\x0d\  deal with 处理,对付 do with 处理,需要\x0d\  meet with 遇到,遭受 talk with 同?交谈\x0d\  agree with 同意,与?一致 compare with 与?相比\x0d\  combine with 与?相联合 equip?with 以?装备\x0d\  cover?with 用?覆盖 begin with 以?开始\x0d\  end up with 以?结束 supply?with 以?供给\x0d\  provide?with 以?供给 play with 玩,玩弄\x0d\19.三词以上的短语动词\x0d\  add up to 总计 break away from 摆脱\x0d\  keep away from 避开,别靠近 do away with 废除\x0d\  look down on 轻视 look up to 仰望,尊敬\x0d\  put up with 忍受 catch up with 赶上\x0d\  keep up with 赶上 run out of 用完\x0d\  make up for 弥补 go on with 继续\x0d\  get on(along) with 和?相处 look forward to 盼望\x0d\  get close to 接近 take hold of 握住\x0d\  get out of 逃避,避免 get down to 认真开始\x0d\  set fire to 放火烧 pay attention to 注意\x0d\  take notice of 注意 set an example to 为?榜样\x0d\  do well in 在?干得好 pay a visit to 访问\x0d\take a photo of 拍?照片 take the place of 取代


《高考英语总复习语法专项 情态动词》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)。本内容整理时间为05月12日,如有任何问题请联系我们。

高考英语总复习语法专项 情态动词

2009-03-18 11:48 来源:互联网 作者:佚名 [打印] [评论]

情态动词有一定的词义, 表示某种感情或语气, 是不完全动词, 不能单独作谓语, 需和实义动词一起构成谓语. 常见的情态动词有: can / could, may / might, must, shall / should, will / would, need, ought to, dare / dared等

一.may / might的用法:

1.表示?可以?, 即表示说话人许可或请求许可

a. You may take it away.

b. May I come in ?

2.表示?可能, 也许? (在疑问句中通常不用may / might, 而用likely, do you think, can等表示?是否可能, 会不会?的意思)

a. He may come today.

b. Is it likely to rain ?

c. Do you think the train will be late ?

d. Can the news be true ?这消息会是真的吗?

3.在提建议时, 可用May I

a. May I carry your bag ?

b. May I make a suggestion ?

二.can / could的用法:

1.表示许可或请求许可, 相当于may. 但can比may用得更广泛. can不仅表示说话人同意, 准许, 还可以表示客观条件许可. may通常只表示说话人同意或准许

a. The class is over. You can go home now.

b. You can go there tomorrow.

c. Can I borrow your car for today ?

2.在提建议时, 可用Can I / you

a. Can I buy you a drink ?

3.表示?会, 能?, 相当于be able to

a. He can speak English.

b. Can you play tennis ?

c. Little Tom can?t move the big box.

4.在疑问句中表示怀疑, 不确定或不会有的情况, 即?否定的推测?

a. Can it be true ? 这是真的吗?

b. Can it be true that he has passed the exam ? 他真的通过考试了吗?

5.can?t / couldn?t在陈述句中可表示?肯定不, 一定不?的意思

a. He can?t be in the room right now.

b. It can?t have rained last night, for the ground is dry.

6.can?t / couldn?t help doing sth表示?不得不,忍不住做某事?

a. People couldn?t help laughing at the foolish emperor.

7.can / be able to do的区别:

①.be able to可用于各种时态, 而can只有现在时can和过去时could

②.be able to可以和另一个不完全动词连用, 如should be able to (应该能够), must be able to (必须能够)等, 而can则不可以这样用

③.强调?能力?时, 多用be able to

a. The patient was soon able to sit up and read.

④.can可用于人或其他事物作主语的句子中; be able to只用于有生命的名词或代词作主语的句子中


1.表示?必须?, 它的否定形式是need not / needn?t, 而不是must not / mustn?t, mustn?t表示禁止或不许做某事

a. You must set off at once.

b. You needn?t tell John about it.

c. You mustn?t play with fire.

2.表示?肯定是, 一定是?的推测意义; 与此对应, 表示?肯定不,一定不?用can?t, 而不用mustn?t

a. You must be very tired now.

b. If he had really been there, I must have seen him.

c. He must have gone away. We don?t see him anywhere.

3.must / have to的区别:

①.must / have to一般可以通用, 但must侧重于说话人主观上的看法, 即?说话人认为必须?; have to侧重于客观上的需要, 含有?客观上不得不?之意

a. If the person is not breathing, you must try to start his breathing.

b. You must / have to study with a teacher if you want to know how to do first aid.

②.must没有时态的变化, 一般用于表示现在或将来; have to有时态的变化, 可用于过去, 现在, 将来各种时态

a. We must study hard when we are young.

b. I think she must remain in hospital for a week.

c. We had to stay there for a whole day because of the rain.

d. We have to practise a lot if we want to speak English well.

e. The situation has changed; we will have to change our plan.

③.它们的否定式mustn?t / not have to有很大的不同: mustn?t表示?不要(做某事)?, 有禁止之意; not have to表示?不必要(做某事)?, 含有?客观上无此必要?之意

a. You mustn?t move a person if he is badly hurt.

b. You don?t have to be a doctor to do first aid.


1.表示主观意志和愿望, 即?愿意,想要?

a. Come here whenever you would.

b. He would not leave before he finished his work.

2.would do sth可以表示过去经常发生的动作, 相当于used to do sth

a. When we were children we would go swimming every summer.

b. On Sundays he would go fishing for hours when he lived in the countryside.

3.表示请求, 愿望, 语气客气, 委婉

a. I would like some tea.

b. Would you mind closing the door ?

c. Would you tell me something about your trip ?

4.表示推测, 表示?大概, 也许?的意思

a. That would be the pen you are looking for.那也许是你在找的笔吧


1.表示义务, 责任, 可译为?应当?

a. We should complete the text in time.

b. You should be so careless.

2.表示推测或推论, 可译为?可能, 应该是?

a. He should be home by now, I think.

b. He should have arrived in Nanjing by this time.

3.should / ought to的区别:

should / ought to一般可以通用. should侧重于说话人主观上的看法, 有时含有劝告, 建议的口气, 即 ?按我的想法应该如何?; ought to语气更强, 强调?有责任, 有义务做某事?或者 ?按道理应该如何?

a. ?I will start the work at once. I think you should start at once.?

b. ?I will start the work tomorrow. No. You ought to start at once.?

六.need的用法: need表示?需要?, 既可作为情态动词, 也可作实义动词

1.need作实义动词时, 注意以下用法:

①.need to do sth; ②.need sb to do sth; ③.need doing sth (主动形式表被动意义)

a. You need to remain in bed.

b. I need you to help me with the housework.

c. The garden needs watering.( =The garden needs to be watered.)

2.need作情态动词时, 多用于否定句及疑问句中, 不用于肯定句中

a. It is still early. You needn?t hurry. =You don?t need to hurry.

b. It is 11 o?clock. Need I go now? =Do I need to go now ?

3.对于用need的提问, 肯定回答用must, 否定回答用needn?t

a. Need I come? Yes, you must. / No, you needn?t.

七.dare / dared的用法: 表示 ?敢?, 既可作为情态动词, 也可作为实义动词

1.作为情态动词时, 主要用于否定句和疑问句中, 不用于肯定句中

a. Little Jane dared not go alone. =Little Jane didn?t dare to go alone.

b. Dare you go out alone at night ? =Did you dare to go out alone at night ?

2.作为实义动词时, 可用于: dare to do sth

a. Little Jane didn?t dare to go alone.

b. Did you dare to go out alone at night ?

3.should / ought to的区别:

should / ought to一般可以通用. should侧重于说话人主观上的看法, 有时含有劝告, 建议的口气, 即 ?按我的想法应该如何?; ought to语气更强, 强调?有责任, 有义务做某事?或者 ?按道理应该如何?

a. ?I will start the work at once. I think you should start at once.?

b. ?I will start the work tomorrow. No. You ought to start at once.?

六.need的用法: need表示?需要?, 既可作为情态动词, 也可作实义动词

1.need作实义动词时, 注意以下用法:

①.need to do sth; ②.need sb to do sth; ③.need doing sth (主动形式表被动意义)

a. You need to remain in bed.

b. I need you to help me with the housework.

c. The garden needs watering.( =The garden needs to be watered.)

2.need作情态动词时, 多用于否定句及疑问句中, 不用于肯定句中

a. It is still early. You needn?t hurry. =You don?t need to hurry.

b. It is 11 o?clock. Need I go now? =Do I need to go now ?

3.对于用need的提问, 肯定回答用must, 否定回答用needn?t

a. Need I come? Yes, you must. / No, you needn?t.

七.dare / dared的用法: 表示 ?敢?, 既可作为情态动词, 也可作为实义动词

1.作为情态动词时, 主要用于否定句和疑问句中, 不用于肯定句中

a. Little Jane dared not go alone. =Little Jane didn?t dare to go alone.

b. Dare you go out alone at night ? =Did you dare to go out alone at night ?

2.作为实义动词时, 可用于: dare to do sth

a. Little Jane didn?t dare to go alone.

b. Did you dare to go out alone at night ? 《高考英语总复习语法专项 情态动词》由留学英语组我整理(www.liuxue86.com)





有人称和数的变化。如:He?is?a tractor driver.他是一个拖拉机手。


非谓语动词有动词不定式、动名词和分词三种,在句子里都不能单独作谓语,没有人称和数的变化。如:I am pleased?to meet you.我很高兴与你相识。(动词不定式)


从其含义来分,动词有实义动词(notional verb),连系动词(link verb),情态动词(modal verb)和助动词(auxiliary verb)四类。



如:The sun?shone?brightly this morning.




如:It?is?never too late to mend.



情态动词有can (能),may (可以,也许),must(必须)等,表示能力、义务、必要、猜测等说话人的语气或情态。情态动词只能和主要动词一起构成谓语动词。


助动词有shall,will,have,be,should,wonld, do等。它们只能和主要动词一起构成各种时态、语态、语气等动词形式,以及否定和疑问等结构中的谓语动词。




后面必须跟宾语意义才完整的实义动词,叫做及物动词(transitive verb)。

如:I?believe?that the committee will?consider?our suggestion.



本身意义完整后面不须跟宾语的实义动词,叫做不及物动词(intransitive verb)。

如:It?happened?in June 1932.




a) 兼作及物动词和不及物动词时,意义不变。试比较:

Shall I begin at once?我可以立刻开始吗?(begin作不及物动词)

She began working as a librarian after she left school.她毕业后当图书馆管理员。(began作及物动词)

b) 兼作及物动词和不及物动词时,有时意义不尽相同。

如:Wash your hands before meals.饭前要洗手。



比如:I?can?do it without much difficulty. (能够,表示自信)

事实上,情态动词的英文说法modal verb,还是值得推敲的。modal,来自于名词mode,和modality(模式,方式)紧密相关,包括likelihood可能性, ability 能力, permission 许可与obligation责任这四种模式。





主要包括进行时态的be(is / am / are / was / were)、一般时态的do / does / did,将来时态的will / shall / would / should和完成时态的have / has / had。这种动词的英文名称叫auxiliary verb,简写是v. aux.。



 高考英语阅读的高频词汇 篇1

 1.alter v. 改变,改动,变更

 2.burst vi./n. 突然发生,爆裂

 3.dispose vi. 除掉;处置;解决;处理(of)

 4.blast n. 爆炸;气流 vi. 炸,炸掉

 5.consume v. 消耗,耗尽

 6.split v. 劈开;割裂;分裂 a.裂开的

 7.spit v. 吐(唾液等);唾弃

 8.spill v. 溢出,溅出,倒出

 9.slip v. 滑动,滑落;忽略

 10.slide v. 滑动,滑落 n. 滑动;滑面;幻灯片

 11.bacteria n. 细菌

 12.breed n. 种,品种 v. 繁殖,产仔

 13.budget n. 预算 v. 编预算,作安排

 14.candidate n. 候选人

 15.campus n. 校园

 16.liberal a. 慷慨的;丰富的;自由的

 17.transform v. 转变,变革;变换

 18.transmit v. 传播,播送;传递

 19.transplant v. 移植

 20.transport vt. 运输,运送 n. 运输,运输工具

 21.shift v. 转移;转动;转变

 22.vary v. 变化,改变;使多样化

 23.vanish vi. 消灭,不见

 24.swallow v. 吞下,咽下 n. 燕子

 25.suspicion n. 怀疑,疑心

 26.suspicious a. 怀疑的,可疑的

 27.mild a. 温暖的,暖和的;温柔的,味淡的

 28.tender a. 温柔的;脆弱的

 29.nuisance n. 损害,妨害,讨厌(的人或 事物)

 30.insignificant a. 无意义的,无足轻重的;无价值的

 31.accelerate vt. 加速,促进

 32.absolute a. 绝对的,无条件的;完全的

 33.boundary n. 分界线,边界

 34.brake n. 刹车,制动器 v. 刹住(车)

 35.catalog n. 目录(册) v. 编目

 36.vague a. 模糊的,不明确的

 37.vain n. 徒劳,白费

 38.extinct a. 绝灭的,熄灭的

 39.extraordinary a. 不平常的,特别的,非凡的

 40.extreme a. 极度的,极端的 n. 极端,过分

 41.agent n. 代理人,代理商;动因,原因

 42.alcohol n. 含酒精的饮料,酒精

 43.appeal n./vi. 呼吁,恳求

 44.appreciate vt. 重视,赏识,欣赏

 45.approve v. 赞成,同意,批准

 46.stimulate vt. 刺激,激励

 47.acquire vt. 取得,获得;学到

 48.accomplish vt .完成,到达;实行

 49.network n. 网状物;广播网,电视网;网络

 50.tide n. 潮汐;潮流

 高考英语阅读的高频词汇 篇2

 1. UFO n. 不明飞行物;飞碟

 例句:Have any of you actually seen a UFO?


 2. barber n.(为男子服务的)理发师

 例句:I'm going to ask the barber not to cut my hair too short.


 3. barber shop n. 理发店

 例句:I won't go to that barber shop anymore.


 4. bathroom n. 浴室;盥洗室

 例句:Every room in the hotel has a private bathroom.


 5. bedroom n. 卧室;寝室

 例句:Her bedroom is covered with posters.


 6. kitchen n. 厨房

 例句:They usually eat their breakfast in the kitchen.


 7. get out v. 出去;离开

 例句: I saw a couple of men get out.


 8. cut v. 剪;切;割

 例句:Don't cut your finger on the broken glass.


 9. alien n. 从另一个世界来的生物;外星人

 例句:I don't believe that there are aliens exist in the world.


 10. bought v. buy的过去式

 例句:He bought some candies for me.


 11. land v. 着陆

 例句:The plane circled the airport before landing.


 12. got v. get的过去式

 例句:I finally got my call through.


 13. shirt n. 衬衫;衬衣

 例句:I have many shirts of different colors.


 14. take off v. 起飞

 例句:The plane took off despite the fog.


 15. while conj. 当…的时候

 例句:Strike while the iron is hot.


 高考英语阅读的高频词汇 篇3

 fare n. (车、船等)费

 farewell int. 再会;n. 告别,欢送会

 farm n. 农场,饲养场;v. 耕作

 farmer n. 农夫,农场主

 farming n. & a. 农业(的)

 fascinate a. 迷住,强烈的吸引

 fascinating n. 迷人的,醉人的

 fascination n. 迷惑力,迷恋

 fashion n. 时尚,时装,风格,式样

 fashionable a. 时髦的,高级的

 fast 1 a. 快的,迅速的,坚固的,牢固的;ad. 紧紧地,牢固地,迅速地

 fasten v. (使)固定,系牢,绑紧,扣紧

 fat a. 肥胖的,脂肪多的;n. 脂肪

 fatal a. 致命的,关键的

 fate n. 命运

 father n. 父亲,创始人,发明者,神父,上帝

 fatigue n. & v. 疲劳,疲乏

 fault n. 过失,缺点,故障

 faulty a. 有错误的,不完善的

 favor n. 赞赏,嘉许,偏袒,偏爱,恩惠,善行;vt. 偏爱,赞同

 favorable a. 有利的,赞同的`,满意的

 favorite a. 心爱的;n. 物别受人喜欢的人(物)

 fax n. 传真

 fear n. 恐惧;v. 害怕,担心

 fearful a. 可怕的,担心的

 feasible a. 可行的,可能的

 feast n. 宴会,宗教节日;v. 宴请

 feather n. 羽毛

 feature n. 特征,特色,脸上的一部分,五官之一(报纸的)特写

 高考英语阅读的高频词汇 篇4

 一、 按大词(动词、名词)记忆

 look 的常用短语:

 look up ? in查找

 look sb. up and down 上下打量

 look back to/ upon回顾

 look upon?as把? 看作

 look forward to期待

 look through浏览; 看穿

 take a new look呈现新面貌


 in fear害怕地

 (be) in fear of 害怕

 for fear of/ that担心;生怕

 concentrate 的常用短语:

 concentrate on 专心?

 concentrate one’s mind on 专心于?


 fix one’s mind upon

 focus on

 put one’s heart into

 focus one’s mind on


 in surprise惊讶地

 to one’s surprise 使某人惊讶的是

 be surprise at/to do/that




 pull on

 put on


 dress sb

 2. 表示状态的有:


 be in

 be dressed in

 have … on



 care for

 be attached to

 be keen on

 be fond of

 take delight in…


 have much trouble / no trouble (in) doing 在?有/没有困难

 take great trouble to do


 put sb to the trouble of doing …


 make trouble捣乱

 be in (great) trouble


 help sb. out of trouble



 come to an end?结束

 put an end to 结束?

 on end竖起, 连续

 in the end终于; 最后

 end up (by) doing?以?结束

 make both ends meet收支相抵


 1. 导致

 cause sth. (to do)

 result in

 lead to

 2. 由?引起

 be caused by

 result from

 grow out of

 lie in


 do / try one’s best

 spare no efforts to do

 take great pains to do

 go all out to do

 do what somebody can (do) to do

 do all somebody can (do) to do


 in (the ) direction of?.朝?方向

 under the direction of ...在?的指导下

 follow the directions照说明去做


 far from (being)离?要求相差很远

 far from +(a place)距离某地很远

 far away遥远

 so far 到目前为止; 那么远

 as far as sb. knows/sees据某人所知

 by far



 in the distance在远处

 from/ at a distance从远处

 keep sb. at a distance


 It is no distance at all.不远


 used to do过去曾经、常做

 be used to doing ?习惯于?

 be used to do被用来做?

 make good/ full use of充分利用?

 come into use开始使用?

 it is no use doing ?干?没有用


 What’s wrong with….?

 What’s the matter with…?

 What’s the trouble with…?

 What happened (to sb.) ?


 It is known to all that?主语从句,that不能省

 As is known to all,定语从句,置于句首

 We all know (that)后接宾语从句

 Everyone knows (that)后接宾语从句

 , which is known to all.非限定从句,置于句末


 agree with sb. /what sb. said

 agree to sth.

 approve (of) sth.

 in favour of sth.

 be agreeable to sth.

 be for sth.


 disagree with sb./ what sb. said

 object to sth.

 disapprove (of) sth.

 be against sth.


 sign one’s name签名

 sign to sb (not) to do sth.


 signs of …


 would rather 与 prefer 的区别


 would rather do A than do B

 prefer A to B

 prefer to do A rather than do B

 2. would rather 主语 + 过去式,表示“宁愿”

 eg. I would rather you came tomorrow than today.

 should prefer sb. to do sth./ should prefer 主语 + 过去式,表示“比较喜欢?” eg. I should prefer you not to go there alone.

 OR: I should prefer that you did not go there alone.


 be caught in a trap落入圈套

 be led into a trap中圈套

 set a trap to do sth.设圈套?

 be trapped in sth.被?..所围困


 in the grow of在?.成长中

 grow up长大; 成长

 grow rich on靠?.. 变富

 grow into长成?

 grow out of由?..引起/滋生出


 be made up of =consist of 由?组成

 make up for弥补

 be made from/ of由?造成

 make up编造;组成;化妆

 be made into制成?

 make fun of取笑; 嘲弄

 make a living 谋生

 supply, provide, offer 的区别:


 supply / provide sb. with sth.

 supply / provide sth. for sb.

 supply sth. to sb.

 offer sb. sth.

 2. 表示“主动提出做某事”

 offer to do sth.

 3. 表示“倘使”、“假如”

 provided / providing that

 = on condition that

 =only if

 4. 表示“满足需要”supply / meet a need.


 in short supply 缺乏,不足

 medical/military supply医疗/军用品

 supplies of?许多


 be lacking in sth. 在?不足

 make up for the lack of


 for/by/from/through lack of…


 have no lack of不缺


 do damage/harm to 对?有害

 cause damage to 对?造成损害

 ask for damage要求赔偿

 die of 与die from 的区别


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