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tamoadmin 2024-06-07 人已围观
























1.practice A. candy B. change C. demand D. palace

2.silence A. satisfy B. holiday C. living D. design

3.quarter A. regular B. hard C. warning D. large

4.courage A. pound B. rough C. trousers D. shout

5.exit A. experiment B. exercise C. example D. excuse


6.We had enough time to do the work.

A.很短的 B.一半的 C.很长的 D.足够的

7.I never win, however hard I try.

A.但是 B.无论如何 C.然而 D.多少

8.We all become gradually older.

A.高兴地 B.很快地 C.渐渐地 D.那么

9.We’re looking forward to seeing you again.

A.朝 B.向前方 C.传递 D.盼望

10.She’s an experienced driver.

A.有经验的 B.漂亮的 C.经历 D.无经验的

11.The sun disappeared behind the clouds.

A.出来 B.落下 C.消失 D.发亮

12.Do you live in the town or the country?

A.国家 B.祖国 C.城市 D.乡村

13.We booked a table for six at the restaurant.

A.预订 B.书 C.买 D.飞快

14.I apologized to John for losing his book.

A.谢谢 B.道歉 C.赏识 D.等待

15.I like films with a lot of action in them.

A.男演员 B.女演员 C.动作 D.活跃


16.—Must I fix the machine now?

—No, you _______. There’s no hurry.

A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. shouldn’t D. couldn’t

17. “I can’t find my umbrella.”

“You ________it in the office.”

A. must have forgotten B. must have left

C. must leave D. must forget

18.I’ll go to meet you if I ________ free then.

A. will be B. would be C. am D. was

19.___________________ since 1982.

A. Great changes have taken place in China.

B. China has taken place great changes

C. Great changes have been taken place in China

D. China changed a lot

20.She _______ cleaning when I passed by her house.

A. did B. does C. is doing D. was doing

21.I _________ of her since she left school three years ago.

A. didn’t hear B. haven’t heard C. was not hearing D. shall not hear

22.By the end of last term we ________ English for two years.

A. have studied B. have been studied C. would study D. had studied

23.We were all surprised when he made it clear that he _____ office soon.

A. will leave B. would leave C. left D. had left

24.You ________ by a policeman if you drive that way.

A. are stopped B. stop C. stopped D. will be stopped

25.In some parts of the world, tea ________ with milk and sugar.

A. is serving B. is served C. serves D. served

26.The tree was lying across the road. It ______ down in the storm.

A. was being blown B. had been blown C. was blowing D. had blown

27.Cleaning women in big cities usually get ______ by the hour.

A. pay B. paying C. paid D. to pay

28.___________, I would take an umbrella with me.

A. Had I been you B. I were you

C. Were I you D. I had been you

29.I wish I _____ to talk about this with him when he was here last evening.

A. was able B. were able C. had been able D. should be able

30.Look around when _________ the street.

A. crossing B. crossed C. to cross D. across

31.Go on ________ the other exercise after you have finished this one.

A. doing B. with C. to be doing D. to do

32._____________ father is a worker.

A. Mike’s and Mary’s B. Mike and Mary’s

C. Mike’s and Mary D. Mike and Marys’

33.thank you very much. You gave us _______ our factory needed.

A. information B. informations C. the information D. the informations

34.________ scientists invited were mostly from __________ east of China.

A. /; the B. /;/ C. The; a D. The; the

35.We are going to have __________ X-ray check.

A. a B. an C. the D. /



A businessman who had been working so much found that be could not sleep at night, but kept on

falling 36 during the 37 . He became so 38 that he went to this 39 .

“Can you help me, doctor?” he asked 40 , “I used to sleep so well, 41 recently I haven’t

been able to sleep 42 than two hours a night.”

The doctor 43 him carefully, gave him some tests, advised him 44 less hard, and told him to

take some kinds of 45 to help him. The doctor was 46 that he was not seriously 47 , and that he

would soon be better.

But the businessman grew worse 48 better. He slept even 49 than expected at night, and was 50

falling asleep in his bed. He visited his doctor very 51 , and it 52 the doctor a long time to

discover 53 the businessman’s servant gave him the 54 medicines in the morning, and the ones to

keep him 55 at night.

36.A.sleep B. sleepy C. sleeping D. asleep

37.A.day B. night C. evening D. time

38.A. sad B. disappointed C. worried D. angry

39.A. friend B. parents C. workers D. doctor

40.A. hurriedly B. angrily C. earnestly D. anxiously

41.A. and B. but C. or D. for

42.A. more B. less C. other D. much

43.A. watched B. examined C. questioned D. advised

44.A. work B. to work C. working D. worked

45.A. exercise B. operation C. medicine D. sleep

46.A. sure B. aware C. afraid D. glad

47.A. ill B. weak C. sleepy D. busy

48.A. or B. but C. instead of D. as well as

49.A. more B. less C. other D. much

50.A. nearly B. fast C. hardly D. sound

51.A. seldom B. soon C. late D. often

52.A. spent B. took C. brought D. offered

53.A. that B. why C. because D. when

54.A. sleep B. sleepy C. sleeping D. asleep

55.A. wake B. waking C. waken D. awake




Along the seashore(海边),the tall coconut(椰子)trees waved in he wind. The sand was white in

the bright sun, and the ocean was dark blue. The houses in the town near the shore, were painted white.

The boats had been pulled up on the shore. Usually they would all be in the water with hard-working

fishermen. But today was a holiday, and everyone was preparing for the celebration that was going to

take place that evening.

In the distance, men could be seen climbing the coconut trees. They were singing as they worked.

There were monkeys in the trees, too. The monkeys were jumping up and down and screaming angrily.

The climbers just laughed at the monkeys and continued to pick the fruits.

56.What is this passage about?

A. It tells us a story of the monkeys.

B. It describes the scene on the seashore.

C. It talks about the life of the fishermen.

D. It is about how the people celebrated a holiday.

57. The boats had been pulled up on the shore because_________.

A. it was a holiday

B. the weather was too hot

C. there was going to be a storm

D. it was not the season for fishing

58. The men climbed the coconut trees to_________.

A.pick the coconuts

B. catch the monkeys

C. look at the ocean far away

D. see who could climb high and fast

59.The word "screaming" in Paragraph Two probably means

A. singing and working

B. jumping up and down

C. running here and there

D. shouting in a high voice

60. The monkeys were angry because________.

A. the men were trying to catch them

B. the men wanted to drive them away

C. the men got the coconuts , which were their food

D. the men climbed higher and faster than they did


The metal that has been most important to man is iron(铁). Like many of the most important

discoveries of man, how iron was first discovered and used is not known.

Steel is made from iron. It is better than iron in strength, hardness, and elasticity (弹性) .

There are many kinds of steel which are made by mixing iron with other metals.

Iron is found in many different places on earth. When you see rocks with a red color, they probably

have some iron. To get iron from the rocks requires a great deal of heat. When iron comes out, it is white hot.

Iron and steel are quite important in our life. We can see them in use all around us. Almost all of

our machines are made of iron or steel. Without iron and steel, modern civilization (文明) does not exist.

61. The best title for this passage is________.

A.The Metals

B.Iron and Steel

C. The Production of Iron

D. The Importance of Steel

62.We don't know how iron was first discovered and used because

A. there was no record of it in history

B. it was like many of the most important discoveries

C. it was not important who discovered and used it first

D.it was used by many people all over the world at the same time

63. Steel is better than iron because________.

A. it was made from iron

B. it was more difficult to make

C. it was not found in the rocks

D. it was made by mixing iron with other metals

64. How is iron made?

A. By mixing the rocks with other metals.

B.It was found in rocks that had a red color.

C. By melting the rocks at a high temperature.

D.It was taken out of the earth by digging a deep hole.

65. From the last paragraph we can get the idea that________.

A. iron and steel are modern civilization

B. iron and steel are only used in machines

C. iron and steel are quite useful in the world

D. iron and steel are necessary for modem life


Once upon a time there was an old man, who had three sons. Calling them together, he said, "Sons, my

end is near. To my oldest son I give him half my camels, to my second one-third, and to my youngest

one-ninth." Then he died.

The old man had seventeen camels, and the three brothers did not know how to share them as their

father said. It seemed that they must have to kill one camel to share it by pieces or do not follow

their father's words. At last they went to their father's old friend and asked him for help. As soon

as he heard their story, the old man said, "I will help you. I am old. I have only one camel, but take

it — it is yours."

The three sons took the old man's camel and thanked him. They found that it was easy now to divide

the camels as their father had wished. The oldest took nine camels; the second took six; and the

youngest took two.

Only when each had received his share did they discover that there was one camel left. So, they

returned the camel to their father's friend with many thanks.

66. This story tells us_________.

A. that old men are wise

B. that young men are foolish

C. how the three sons obeyed their father

D. how a mathematical problem is solved

67. Why were the three sons unable to divide the camels?

A. Because the three sons were poor in mathematics.

B. Because they could not kill the camels to divide them.

C. Because their father did not want them to divide the camels.

D. Because seventeen cannot be divided by two, three and nine.

68. Why did their father's friend give them another camel?

A. Because he was old and was going to die.

B. Because he knew it would be able to solve their problem.

C. Because he didn't know how to help the three sons of his friend.

D. Because he had only one camel that could not be shared by his sons.

69.The three sons were able to share the camels after they saw the old man because________.

A. the old man told them how to solve the problem

B. they had more camels to share and would not quarrel now

C.eighteen is a number that can be divided by two , three and nine

D. they learned that they did not need to follow their father's words

70. Why was there one camel left after they divided them?

A. Because the total amount added up is seventeen.

B. Because the oldest son took one less as he loved his brothers.

C. Because the third son took one less since he was the youngest.

D.Because the second son took one less due to the calculation(计算)


March 17: It rained heavily all morning. The rain stopped about two o'clock and I went out for a walk.

As I was walking along the street, the wind blew my hat off. I ran after it. The wind carried it into the

road and I ran out to get it. I was almost hit by a car. Upon returning home, I listened to the news. It

will be very cold tomorrow.

April 20: We are having spring weather now. The sun shone for several hours during the early part of

the day. The sky is cloudy and it looks like rain. The rain will help things grow, and the gardens are

full of flowers. The man next door is busy cutting the grass in his garden. I shall have to start doing

the same. It's hard work, but it has to be done.

June 14: I think June is one of the best months in the year. The temperature was almost eighty this

afternoon. The children enjoyed the warm weather. I saw some of them in the river after school. Most of

them were good swimmers. I used to swim in the river when I was a boy. Now I find the water too cold

even on a day like this.

71. From the diaries, we can guess that the writer is probably

A. an old man

B. a young girl

C. a young man

D. an old woman

72. The writer was almost hit by a car as________.

A. he ran out to the road

B. the wind blew his hat off

C. he couldn't see clearly in the rain

D. he was absent-minded when he crossed the street

73. How did the writer know that it would be cold the next day?

A. He knew that from his experience in life.

B. He learned it when he listened to the news.

C. It was raining and the wind was strong that day.

D. He was told by his neighbour on his way home.

74. What was the hard work that had to be done?

A. The writer did not tell us.

B.Going to swim in the river.

C.Watering the flowers in the garden.

D. Cutting the grass as his neighbour did.

75.Why did the writer think June is one of the best months in the year?

A. Because it is very hot in June.

B. Because he could stay at home.

C.Because he could go swimming.

D.Because he liked warm weather.


A) 填词(共5小题,计分10分)

76.___________(历史)is my favourite subject at school.

77.Let’s have lunch in the ____________.(花园))

78.My parents have _____________ (禁止)me to see him again.

79.I’ve looked ________________ (到处) for my pen, but I can’t find it.

80.There was a long ___________ (延误)at the airport.



81.Father __________________ (给我买了一辆新单车)on my birthday.

82.This kind of watch ______________________.(是在深圳制造的)

83.I wish _______________________.(过去没有花那么多钱)

84.Father suggested ___________________.(坐公共汽车去)

85._________________ (到去年年底)we had built a new library.




















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