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tamoadmin 2024-05-15 人已围观

简介这个题目答案显而易见,但解释比较困难1. after既可做介词,也可做连词, 如after a long time, / after he went away, / after I finished the task. 但不管接短语还是接句子,用after这个字,人们的注意点都是指“....点之后”,而不是在过程中, 这也是after的本意。2. it seemed a long time 这里i



1. after既可做介词,也可做连词, 如after a long time, / after he went away, / after I finished the task. 但不管接短语还是接句子,用after这个字,人们的注意点都是指“....点之后”,而不是在过程中, 这也是after的本意。

2. it seemed a long time 这里it显然是指时间,该句这里,已经表达了“那时间似乎是很长的<时间>”,人们的注意点已经是“...点之后”,同一句里面再加after就重复了. 如果说成,it seemed a long time,and after it, 这就很正常了。

3. 结构上,after what seemed a long time = after a period of time (that seemed a long time), … = after + a period of time(…)没这个after, 这个短语就没有意思了

Miss Longfield warned 主句

that a generation of children risked

growing up

‘worried about their appearance and image as a result of the unrealistic life

styles they follow on platforms ,

and increasingly anxious about

switching off due to the constant

demands of social media’.宾语从句

根据以上断句,这是个主谓宾结构的句子,that 引导的整个句子是宾语从句,在宾语从句中,又包含了主谓宾状结构的句子,从句谓语动词是 risked,worried....and increasingly anxious.....是两个并列状语用来说明从句主语a generation of children主语所处的状况,即形容词作状语。they follow on the platform 又是个定语从句,修饰 life styles.


文章标签: # after # time # of